Product Information

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Automated RPR

Evolution brochure
Evolution Brochure

Serology Products

Serology Products
Serology Brochure

EIA products

EIA Test Kits
EIA Infectious Diseases Brochure

Bulk Reagents

Bulk Reagents
Bulk Reagent Flyer

MMWR Syphilis

MMWR Nontreponemal recommendation
Nontrep VS Trep

Dr. Bowen Letter

Dr. Bowen Treponemal Recommendation
Traditional Screening

Sickle Cell

Sickle Cell Flyer
Sickle Cell Flyer

Color Staph

Color staph product flier
Color Staph Flyer

Rhino Pro

Rhino Pro Flyer
Rhino Pro Flyer

Donor Lounges

Donor Lounge Catalog
Blood Donor Catalog

Blocking Buffers

Blocking buffer descriptions
Blocking Buffer Flyer

CDC Draft Syphilis Testing

2023 Laboratory Recommendations for Syphilis Testing in the United States
2023 CDC Draft Syphilis Testing

Measles (Rubeola)

ASI Measles EIA/Manual test kits Brochure
Measles EIA Test Kits

Rubella Manual & EIA

Rubella Test Kits Brochure
Rubella Manual & EIA test kits

Smart Rack

Learn about the ASI Smart Rack.
ASI Smart Rack